Today is the 10th anniversary of the death of Princess Diana.
Just two weeks after the deaths of Diana Princess of Wales, Dodi Al Fayed and others, I visited what has become the place that people now come to pay homage to the deaths that occurred in the underpass by the Pont de L’alma in Paris. A new tourist attraction had been tragically and instantly added to Paris. The Liberty Flame, a full sized replica of the flame that sits atop the Statue of Liberty in New York’s harbour was given to the city of Paris by America in celebration of the bi-centennial of the French Revolution. The Liberty Flame by the Pont de L’alma was now added to the list of places to visit when in Paris.
Although the monument is constantly cleaned and flowers and mementoes removed this is the place that for ten years people have stood and wondered...............
In those weeks after her death I went on to photograph Paris through the eyes of a tourist because no matter what tragedy had taken place here there were still all the other well known places to visit. This story can be seen here.