Doors are my thing. Well not all the time and this is a church entrance. What really caught my eye was the little blue sign top right of the doorway.
It reads; Eglise St François. XIV et XV siècles. Ancienne Eglise des Cordeliers dont le couvent avait ètè fondé vers l'an 1220 par Sicard VI de Lautrec Baron d'ambres.
Quick traslation; The church of St François from the 14 and 15 centuries. Ancient church of the 'Cordeliers' monks. The monastery was founded around 1220 by Sicard the 6th of Lautrec - Baron of Ambres.
Taken in the town of Lavaur. I've walked past this church several times even been inside and only the other day did I notice the blue plaque, which in itself is an old style sign. Not as old as the church but maybe 50 years old.
I love doors, also. I'm enjoying your photos here :) Just bumped into your name when you left a comment on someone else's blog. Glad I clicked your link; a great tour of Marseille!
This is very special and beautiful door.
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