Monday, May 08, 2006

Lettuce & Tomatoes

Yesterday we went to Rabastens, about 8 kilometers from us. There was a local plant and flower fair and Brocante, like a jumble sale, or yard sale although there are so many ‘professional’ brocanteur it is difficult now to find someone selling the things they no longer need. There are other gatherings called vide-greniers (site is in French) which mean the old stuff you have cleared out of your loft.

We were there for the lettuce and tomatoes and various other veggie stuff. Looks like I am going to have a busy day in the garden today!


Lisi said...

Hi Wilf, I like your photos and that you always include people in them...

Betty Carlson said...

Beautiful photos, I will add them to my sidebar which refers to all of the FRENCH daily photo blogs.

Your village looks very picturesque. Good luck finding a photo every day! Your first ones are great...