There has been some posts about the new law that will be effective at the begining of next year 2007.
This post on Erics photo-blog give more info Tobacconists strike back
As an ex-smoker I found this image quite powerful. I wonder over the years how many ashtrays full of cigarettes butts I filled up?
I am an ex-smoker of many years, and I fight it every day...I have never lost the craving and it is a real battle for me to keep off them and it most likely always will be a battle for me
Another very powerful image there. I don't smoke but I sympathise with Robert.
Thanks Robert & Nathalie.
Stay with it Robert, I know the craving although I have to say I no longer crave a cigarette, except for those odd moments of stress, and I do understand the battle.
like you said, it's a powerful shot to smokers just to imagine the amount to nicotine in their lungs ;p
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