Saturday, December 30, 2006

Frosty Coating

Frosty Coating

For the moment the frosty mornings have gone and the weather is a little milder but I still wanted to post another 'frosty pic' as the designs were fantastic. Everything had a coating of frost.

We did not have a white Christmas with snow but with frost!


Olivier said...

Bonne année, bonne santé
"Le temps passe, les années filent. Quand une nouvelle année commence, on se demande toujours si elle apportera la paix et le bonheur à chacun... Fermez les yeux et faites un voeu !"

Good year, good health
time passes, the years slip by. When a new year starts, one always wonders if it will bring peace and happiness to each one… Close the eyes and make a wish!

Lisi said...

the broken internet connection caused by the Taiwan earthquake has made me missed many days of DP photos...anywaz, wish you and G. and little Luca and his parents a wonderful 2007!

petite américaine said...


Bonne Année à vous et votre famille! :)