Monday, August 28, 2006


Just down the road from us there is an Escargot Farm. I keep meaning to go have a look and find out how they 'grow' snails.

Yes I have had snails with a nice covering of garlic butter and that lovely French bread.

This is an image that I have had in my collection for a while and I promise I did not take any away to eat later.


Edulabbe said...

Nice picture, but I'm not sure I would be brave enough to "try" snails... LOL

J'aime les fromages, les baguettes, le paté et plusieurs autres "delicatessens" de la France, mais je crois que les escargots sont nés pour se balader dans le jardin... jajaja
Est il vrai qu'ils goûtent comme le poulet?

Joe said...

bellisima questa foto!

Lisi said...

mmm...escargots...yummy! but I don't think I've seen the edible kind alive like in the photo; the shells don't look like those I saw in restaurants though.

Nice shot, Wilf

Anonymous said...

you're all more than welcome to come over to my yard and collect all the "escargot" you want! (ok, it's a bit too hot right now, but anytime between April and about mid-July, they invade and eat all my flowers!)

great shot, as usual!

Sasha said...

That is an awesome shot!