Thursday, July 13, 2006

Wasp Sting

I am way late posting today. Still in the garden and very busy. I think I need a vacation/holiday.

I got stung by a wasp the other day, the first time since I was a kid and it hurt I can tell you.

There are lots of little wasp 'nests' like this around the garden and I usually leave nature alone which I did when photographing this one. I have to add I was not stung by this fellow, it was when I was clearing some rubbish away.


Transall said...


Je n'en suis pas très sûr, mais cela ressemble à un frelon (hornet) plutôt qu'à une guèpe (wasp)... et si c'est le cas, c'est le genre de bête qu'il vaut mieux éviter de croiser (surtout si elles sont nombreuses).


Didier(photo blog)

Kim said...

Another fantastic close-up. You do an exceptional job with that camera!

A Bastille Day salute to all the French CDP family members is at Seattle Daily Photo today.
(new updated link for SDP is:
Have a great day!